Clonazepam for Seizures & Panic Attacks

Clonazepam for Seizures & Panic Attacks
Philadelphia, PA 19124
United States

Category  Wanted > Other

Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine sold under the brand name Klonopin, which is indicated for use with seizure disorders and panic disorders. It works by increasing GABA activity in the brain which leads to induction of sleep and prevention of seizures. Clonazepam may be beneficial for people suffering from epilepsy or panic attacks. However, the drug poses a risk of dependence and development of tolerance among users. Some of the side effects include excessive sleepiness, tiredness, and loss of coordination. Adherence to prescription instructions is necessary for patients taking clonazepam in order to reduce the associated risks. Dosages can be adjusted and adverse effects monitored through regular review appointments.